Saturday, April 14, 2012

Final Reflection:

Our team was really quite happy with the final outcome of our robot. Everything we planned on doing for we ended up getting accomplished. It was a great satisfaction seeing our robot come together and we were very proud of our end results.

Throughout the process we faced many challenges vary from the design process to manufacturing and assembly. The skills we learned in this class are applicable to real world situations and can be used in the work force. In a working environment you are going to have to work in teams and unfortunately you won't get to pick your teams like we did for this class. Even though we had the benefit of picking our own teams it is always challenging to work cohesively with many differently personalities.  It was beneficial to go through this process in order to learn the best ways to overcome these challenges and take advantage of people's strengths.

Our final robot had only a few variations on our original design.  We we're not sure at first if we wanted to use a hinge system or a spring loaded arm.  We chose the spring loaded arm because we felt it was more creative and more reliable once we could successfully manufacture it.  Once we had completely the majority of manufacturing and assembly we were able to test our robot on the competition table.  We found that although we had a lip on the bed of our robot to prevent the balls from rolling out, it did not prevent them from bouncing out when the were knocked off the tower.  After doing many trials we found the balls bounced out of both the back and the far side from the arm.  To counteract this problem we added a side barrier.  We used the extra aluminum sheet we had and bent it so we only had to make one barrier rather than two.  We used our existing fastener holes on our robot to attach the barrier so that we didn't have to drill new holes on the side of our robot.
Spring Loaded Arm

We also added aesthetic components to our robot to make it stand out from the rest.  We cut out our team name and logo on the side of our robot using the water jet.  Although we thought this was defining, we decided to also paint our robot.  We chose very vibrant and unique colors to make it stand out even more. Our additional focus on the decorative aspect of our robot paid off when we won most fabulous look!

This class allowed us to use what we learned in other classes and apply it to a real world situation.  Being such a long and time consuming project, it was extremely satisfying to finally complete our robot.  Although we had minor difficulties with our robot during competition we were happy with the end result.  After going through the entire design process we can see how important even the smallest steps are in the beginning.  We are proud to say we successfully completed this project earning the title of most fabulous.


                                   BEFORE                                                                     AFTER

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